[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Tuesday night of every week]


نبو: التعديل الدستوري لن يحمل أي حلول للأزمة The first secretary of the Socialist Forces Front Party, Muhammad Nebo, has warned against growing instability in the country following president Bouteflika’s constitutional amendment.

Energies renouvelables et efficacité énergétique : Nouvelles priorités de la coopération algéro-européenne The Nation covers bilateral relations between Algeria and the European Union concerning renewable energies amid Algeria’s current economic crisis under the pressure of low oil prices.

سنة أولى نفحة Nafaha Magazine celebrates its one-year anniversary with a short discussion of its role in Algerian media.

A Tumultuous Housing Program in Algeria Carlotta Gall covers the difficulties of housing projects and government housing in Algeria for New York Times.


Controversy surrounds new `Libyan-Libyan` unity plan A member of Tripoli-based parliament proposes another peace-process rejected as “unrepresentative of the house” thus sparking further controversy.

اشتباكات مع تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" حول ميناء السدر النفطي في ليبيا Fighting breaks out between the Islamic State and security personnel around the oil crescent in Sidra.

Libya truck bombing kills at least 60 policemen, wounds 200 The Associated Press reports on the massive explosion near a police base in Zliten, “killing at least sixty policemen and wounding around 200 others.”

Oil Tank Fires in Libya - NASA Earth Observatory NASA satellite images show the burning oil tanks and smoke plumes in Libya.


Mauritania: Tale of Journalist Mistakenly Held As Al-Qaeda Chief Growing numbers of individuals who hold the same name as escaped al-Qaeda chief, Muhammad Oueld Salek, are being arrested in bordering countries amidst fears of Salek’s recent escape from prison.

Mauritania remains attractive destination for Saudi investors "The country thus remains an attractive destination for Saudi investors, especially in the fields of industry, agriculture and tourism. We can cater to the needs of 400 million west African population from Mauritania,"

Mauritania detains alleged slave masters SOS Esclaves (SOS Slaves) continues to work against slavery in the country amidst new laws and the creation of special courts to try slave practitioners in the country.

إغاثة النخيل: السوسة الحمراء قادمة إلى موريتانيا من الخليج Mauritanian palm tree cultivators are discussing the threat of the invasive Rhynchophorus ferrugineus beatle that threatens date harvesting.


Maroc: Abdellatif Hammouchi veut lutter contre la fuite des devises Moroccan authorities impose new restrictions on money flows outside of the country.

Morocco’s Other Coast Emerges as a Destination New York Times travel-log highlights lesser-known coastal destinations around the country.

Morocco plays key role in Europe`s security, but has jitters The Associated Press reports on Morocco’s role in countering terrorist threats.

Trump`s first ad features Morocco, not Mexico GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s first TV ad footage showing illegal migration between the United States and Mexico features  Morocco’s illegal migration problem.

Morocco delays first phase of sprawling solar power project “After a year that saw Morocco take significant steps towards bolstering its renewable portfolio, backers of the Noor-1 solar power plant delayed its opening this week without an explanation.”


Saudi FM Adel bin Ahmed Al Jubeir visits Tunisia Video footage of Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir and Tunisian Foreign Minister Taieb Baccouche joint press conference.

Tunisie : les étudiants condamnés pour homosexualité en liberté provisoire Provisional release of the Tunisian students condemned for homosexual acts in December 2015.

محاولات إصلاح المنظومة التربوية في تونس Houda Trabelsi writes on the reforms of the education system.

Tunisie. Un remaniement ministériel, pour quoi faire ? Information on the Tunisian cabinet reshuffling and the reasons behind it.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara: Human Rights` Situation in Western Sahara, Focus of Meeting Between Khadad, UN High Commissioner “The situation of human rights in Western Sahara was the main focus of a meeting between Mhamed Khadad, member of the national Secretariat of the Polisario Front and Zeid Raad Al Hussein, United Nations high commissioner for human rights.”

Western Sahara, another Year of Occupation and Cut-off Rights Prensa Latina covers the human rights situation of the Western Sahara in 2015 and prospects for the new year.

Total renounces oil survey work off Western Sahara Arab News reports on Total’s halting of preliminary oil survey work off disputed Western Sahara due to minimal oil prospects in the survey area.

Algerian president renews country’s support for Western Sahara Algeria continues to support the Western Sahara after Mohamed Abdelaziz’s reelection.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb 

La question du patrimoine en Algérie Sidi Mohammed el Habib Benkoula writes on the measures being taken to preserve Algerian patrimony.

`All in World Bank`: Manipulation in the Name of Deregulation The Tunisian Observatory of Economy publishes a report critical of the World Bank`s report on Tunisia.

Remembering Fatema Mernissi Zakia Salime reflects on the life and legacy of the late Fatema Mernissi.

1 اللااستثناء المغربي: حزب وجيش وقصر An Arabic translation of Jadaliyya co-editor, Samia Errazzouki`s, overview of the history of state formation in Morocco. Read the second part here. (English version: Part 1 and Part 2)

Morocco: A Bipolarization under Royal Control Stéphanie Wenger delves into the aftermath of the local and regional elections in Morocco, highlighting the role of the palace as parties shift their alliances.

Women in the Men’s House: The Road to Equality in the Algerian Military A report from the Carnegie Middle East Center highlights the gendered dynamics in the Algerian military. 

A Moveable Feast? Reflections on the French Coverage of the Paris Attacks Jadaliyya Maghreb Page Co-Editor Muriam Haleh Davis provides an overview of the reactions to the Paris attacks in the French media. 

New Texts Out Now: Jeanette S. Jouili, Pious Practice and Secular Constraints: Women in the Islamic Revival in Europe Jadaliyya interviews Jeanette Jouili on the publication of her new book, Pious Practice and Secular Constraints: Women in the Islamic Revival in Europe.